Hey, welcome to my blog.

On this blog, I share my thoughts on ideas that can help you grow your business and help you develop as a leader. I would also share ideas and tips to help you grow as an executive and improve your performance on the job. So, if you value learning, doing, and becoming better at your work, business, and leadership, then this site is definitely for you.

What can you expect? I will publish a blog article weekly, and it could also be a video or podcast. I want to invite you to subscribe to my newsletter, 'Ideas for Growth', where I share my latest blog posts and other curated materials to help you learn and grow.

Are you wondering who I am? I am an entrepreneur, growth strategist and investor who has had the privilege of doing different things, from working corporates to starting my own business across many countries. Click here if you want to know more about me.

Why Many Middle to Senior Executives Miss Out on Big Career Opportunities

Why Many Middle to Senior Executives Miss Out on Big Career Opportunities

The shocking truth about why most middle to senior executives end up stuck or stagnant in their careers. It's a...

3 Ways Your Perspective Affects Your Life

3 Ways Your Perspective Affects Your Life

It's a fundamental question that we should all ask at some point, especially business owners and leaders: what is my...

How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet

How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet

The year 2022 has been a roller coaster ride in every way. From what looked like the world was recovering...

Extreme Ownership: 7 Lessons to Apply In Your Business

Extreme Ownership: 7 Lessons to Apply In Your Business

Whether running a small business or leading an army of people, Extreme Ownership can help you build an unshakeable mindset...

Profit Versus Cash Flow, Which Should Be First?

Profit Versus Cash Flow, Which Should Be First?

There's no question that cash flow is essential. It's the lifeblood of your business. But, it's often a forgotten factor...

12 Leadership Principles From The Army That Will Transform Your Business

12 Leadership Principles From The Army That Will Transform Your Business

What do the army and business have in common? Both are structured hierarchies where those at the top wield immense...

How to Use Relational Leadership  to Drive Engagement in Your Business

How to Use Relational Leadership to Drive Engagement in Your Business

One of the main challenges in business is building loyalty with your stakeholders, like employees and customers. There are various...

It’s the Truth – You Are Self Made 😎

It’s the Truth – You Are Self Made 😎

I recently came across Earl Nightingale's quote, " We are all self-made...but only the successful admit it. What do you...

3 Metrics That Every Business Owner Must Focus On For Success

3 Metrics That Every Business Owner Must Focus On For Success

As a business owner, you probably face many challenges running your operations. It can often be daunting to determine where...

Your Future Ambition Creates Your Present Reality 😎

Your Future Ambition Creates Your Present Reality 😎

"Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished." Dan Gilbert The future is a powerful force that...

5 Ways to Create an Innovative Environment in your Business

5 Ways to Create an Innovative Environment in your Business

Innovation is critical for any business to survive and thrive, but it's also not easy.  Many of the most successful...

Use This Football System To Create Momentum and Opportunities

Use This Football System To Create Momentum and Opportunities

If you are familiar with football, you may have heard of the system of play called 'High-pressing'.  It's effectively a...

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