Hey, welcome to my blog.

On this blog, I share my thoughts on ideas that can help you grow your business and help you develop as a leader. I would also share ideas and tips to help you grow as an executive and improve your performance on the job. So, if you value learning, doing, and becoming better at your work, business, and leadership, then this site is definitely for you.

What can you expect? I will publish a blog article weekly, and it could also be a video or podcast. I want to invite you to subscribe to my newsletter, 'Ideas for Growth', where I share my latest blog posts and other curated materials to help you learn and grow.

Are you wondering who I am? I am an entrepreneur, growth strategist and investor who has had the privilege of doing different things, from working corporates to starting my own business across many countries. Click here if you want to know more about me.

The Perfect Start to Your New Job: Tips for Success

The Perfect Start to Your New Job: Tips for Success

Starting a brand-new job can be both exhilarating and overwhelming.  It is a time of significant change, and there are...

Take Control Of Your Destiny Or Someone Else Will

Take Control Of Your Destiny Or Someone Else Will

Everywhere you look, there are harsh and complex conditions across the globe. The war in Ukraine, the cost of living...

One Habit That Will Transform Your Creativity

One Habit That Will Transform Your Creativity

"Creativity is the first requirement for self enterprise" - Jim Rohn. One of the important skills to improve is your...

If You Don’t Have A Competitive Advantage, Don’t Compete

If You Don’t Have A Competitive Advantage, Don’t Compete

I was recently preparing to facilitate a strategic planning workshop for a client, And one of the topics, Competitive Advantage,...

3 Words That Will Change Your Life

3 Words That Will Change Your Life

Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Do you feel like you're not living your best life? Or do you...

4 Habits You Need To Grow Your Career

4 Habits You Need To Grow Your Career

Are you looking to grow in your career? Are you tired of feeling like you're stuck in a rut? If...

Simple Tricks On How To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Simple Tricks On How To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

To achieve success, it's no secret that you need to be proactive and take risks. Hence stepping out of your...

One Way To Manage Time Effectively

One Way To Manage Time Effectively

Have you ever been working on a project and felt like it wasn't going to end anytime soon? Or felt...

10 One-Sentence Tips To Grow Your Cash Flow

10 One-Sentence Tips To Grow Your Cash Flow

  Cash is the lifeblood of your business. Here is a collection of tips to help you figure out how...

4 Step System To Make Daily Progress On Your Goals

4 Step System To Make Daily Progress On Your Goals

When you set up a system to achieve daily progress on your goals, you greatly increase your chances of attaining...

3 Ways To Inspire Your Employees

3 Ways To Inspire Your Employees

As a business owner or leader, motivating your team and employees is crucial to your success. To succeed as a...

4 Important Lessons I Learnt From Running A Factory

4 Important Lessons I Learnt From Running A Factory

I’m only a few chapters into Adam Grant's book 'Think Again,' and it has already taken me back to the...

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